Quality Care
SLMC Registered Doctors with an average 10 years of Consultation experience

Timely Access. Average Waiting time to see a Doctor is less than 1 hour.

Healthy Employees
Scheduled and On-Demand Use of Doctor services via Web, Phone or Mobile App

Happy Employees
We engage with our Users throughout the year, thus resulting in higher employee utilization
Why Choose Us?

Employee Engagement
Simple and Easy to use Interface ensures Employee Utilization and Satisfaction

Quality Care
Get Started on the right treatment path from Day One so that you can get better faster

Integrated and Inter Operatable Solutions
Choose from a wide range of solutions as per your needs Multiple options to enable customized offerings

Secure & Private
The Platform ensures Customer Data Privacy & Security

Clinical Insights
Clinical Insight capabilities including effective data management/predictive analytics, utilization of Block Chain and Artificial Intelligence etc. help to benefit your organization

Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Users can avail and upload their Health Records and this can be used for all future Healthcare references

Healthcare Standards Compliance
NDH ensures compliance with necessary regulations/guidelines to provide Quality Care with Trust

Increase in Productivity
Our Healthcare services ensure employees are no longer required to abstain from work